Configuring Flask server

Note: assuming you have an Apache working and running.

Start the flask server with the help of a bin/server script:

bin/server start

To test the server is running, execute:

bin/server status

And to stop the running server call:

bin/server stop

And if you visit the url in your browser (it may take couple seconds), you shoud see the message:

Your server is running!

In opposite case, check the log ci-hpc.log located at the repository root or try to to execute the script bin/server without any arguments (this will start the server not in the background)

Configuring the server host and port

By default the server is accessible for anyone. You can restrict this by scecifying --host=<hostmask> where <hostmask> is the hostname to listen on. Default to

To change the port of the server API server specify --port=<portval> options, where <portval> is the interger value of your API server port.

To see all the options you can change see bin/server -- --help.

Configuring www folder

Edit index.html located in www folder. Lines 41 and 42 is all you need to change. Simple change the values so they match your project and server:

By default project is set to hello-world and ip is just a dummy url. The IP you specify must be accessible by another computer!

projectName: 'hello-world',
flaskApiUrl: '',

Visualisation settings aka what to visualise

Edit visualisation settings for yout project The yaml file is located at cfg/<project>.yaml. e.g. if you have project with name foo, the location is cfg/foo.yaml

This configuration is reasonably straightforward. You fill out the info about your project and then just say what variables will be used for what cause. Take a look at example file which explains what variable is for cause.